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Register for E-Bill

E-bill – A new Era of Convenience
Gas bill stolen, gas bill torn? No worries.
Fill up the below form and subscribe to SSGC’s Gas bill electronically and make your life easy.

Invalid customer number, Customer number must be numeric 10 characters!
OTP sent successfully.
valid mobile number format: 923331234567
Invalid Mobile Number/Network.
valid mobile number format: 923331234567
Invalid Mobile Number.
You wish to Register *

If you are a tax-filer and your name is present on FBR's Active Taxpayer list, kindly upload your CNIC against your current account number to become eligible for income tax exemption (Optional)

If permanent or present address of CNIC gets matched with the address on gas bill, your record will be updated.

*Disclaimer: SSGC will keep sending physical bills and will discontinue upon OGRA's consent.