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SSGC Disconnects 900 Illegal Gas Connections in Landhi and Korangi

SSGC’s Task Force belonging to the Customer Relations Department disconnected more than 900 illegal gas connections today in Landhi and Korangi areas. The owners of households were using gas illegally through rubber pipes. The members of the Task force disconnected all the connections.

The quantum of gas used through this illegal arrangement was more than 50,796 million cubic feet, amounting to Rs. 8.1 million per annum.

According to details, the Task Force undertook this raid on Wednesday morning on tip-off from a reliable source regarding illegal consumption of gas in K-51 area of Korangi near Tasweer Mahal cinema. On the same day another raid was conducted in Khaskheli Muhalla of Rehri Goth in Landhi area. Both the raids were supervised by Nawab Ali Shah, Deputy Manager (Task Force) CRD.

During the operation, a number of residents including women gathered on the spot and tried to resist the disconnection process. The SSGC officials advised them to get gas facility by applying for it as per the company procedure. He assured them that concerned SSGC departments would facilitate them in providing gas facility.