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SSGC Shareholders Elect New Board of Directors


The Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of Sui Southern Gas Company was held under the Chair of Mr. Shahid Aziz Siddiqui, today at a local hotel in Karachi to elect members of Board of Directors of the Company for a period of three years.

The Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of Sui Southern Gas Company was held under the Chair of Mr. Shahid Aziz Siddiqui, today at a local hotel in Karachi to elect members of Board of Directors of the Company for a period of three years.

In pursuance to the provisions of Companies Ordinance, 1984, twenty three (23) individuals filed notices of their intention with the Company, offering their candidature as Director for the election. As the number of persons who offered themselves to be elected was more than the number of Directors fixed by the Board under Section 178 (1) of the Companies Ordinance, 1984, therefore balloting was held to elect (14) Directors.

The elections were held through balloting under the management of Company’s Shares Registrar, Central Depository Company of Pakistan in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984. M/s. M. Yousuf Adil Saleem and Company, SSGC’s external auditing firm supervised and verified the balloting for maintaining the independence and transparency of the entire process.

After the balloting, the outgoing Chairman Mr. Shahid Aziz Siddiqui announced the names of Directors who got elected. They are Mr. Alamuddin Bullo, Mr. Aamir Amin, Mr. Miftah Ismail, Mr. Zuhair Siddiqui, Ms. Azra Mujtaba, Mr. Arshad Mirza, Mr. Muhammad Arif Hameed, Mr. Mobin Saulat, Nawabzada Riaz Nosherwani, Mr. Rizwan Kehar, Mr. Salim Zamindar, Agha Sher Shah, Mr. Muhammad Bilal Sheikh and Mirza Mahmood Ahmad.
