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Lunch Reception for Media Fraternity

EVENT7th September 2013 keeping its tradition alive SSGC hosted a lunch for media fraternity in an effort to promote SSGC’s transparency and smooth relationship with the important element of society in today’s world that is media. The main aim of the event was to promote smooth communications and build stronger relationship with media fraternity. Such an event is a symbol of pride for SSGC as very few companies conduct it on such a scale.
The lunch was held at crystal ball room Marriott hotel Karachi which started with greetings from corporate communications department personnel light introductory conversations. The host of the event was the MD Mr Zuhair Siddiqui himself along with the corporate communications department who arranged the get together. The event had a staggering attendance filled with anchors journalists bureau chiefs and important individuals who play a crucial role in media fraternity structure.

After initial greets the guests were directed to their designated seats which were pre-arranged for smooth coordination at the event. The event formally started with a brief statement and Q/A session by press at the venue where the MD answered various questions raised by the media. The MD specially thanked all who managed to take out time and come to the event and discussed various issues particularly about the recent positive development of SSGC in which SSGC managed to reduce its UFG losses by 2 percent minimum, similarly the MD also shed light on the factors contributing to UFG and differentiated between theft and other causes of losses suffered by SSGC and how SSGC is tackling the issues on one occasion responding to a question the MD also clarified how theft is calculated and what factors contribute to it in various situations. The media representatives were very satisfied by the MD’s responses to various questions including comment from one of the journalists who lauded MD’s concern to interact with media and give a good briefing to them.

This was followed by a formal address to the audience by MD SSGC which was again followed up by relevant question answer session in which the audience took a lot of interest. The event included lucky draws in which lucky winners from the audience received a gift bag from SSGC. A few names that were present on the event were, Ms Gharida Faroqui from Samaa TV, Bahzad Khan from Dawn, RIzvan Jaffer, Agha Masood, Zafar Bhutta, Mushtaq Ghumman and many more along with senior management of SSGC. The event ended with light hearted chats between media fraternity and SSGC management present on location along with the vigilant CCD department personnel and was topped up with a modest yet wonderful lunch.