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SSGCWA’s Workshop on Child Safety

EVENTSui Southern Gas Company Women Association (SSGCWA) organized a fabulous and colorful event on an important issue of the society that is usually less addressed but needs adequate attention. Child abuse, according to BBC Pakistan remains a major conduit for children trafficking.

The event entitled “Child Safety Awareness Workshop” was conducted by SSGC’s, Mrs. Imrana Zuhair Siddiqui in a highly professional yet friendly manner as she imparted huge amount of useful and practical information to the audience. Ms. Asma Butt a certified HR professional and Vice President of SSGCWA also conducted another session with kids. These sessions stressed greatly on pushing for education, creating basic awareness amongst parents and children that will start the tide of change. The speakers covered a wide array of diverse crimes subjected towards the minors that signifies physical as well as mental pain. Pakistan is a country that does little in protecting its young worlds from the many horrors of child abuse that they are exposed to in and around the green pastures. It’s so sad to see what’s going on in our world today, the workshop was informed.

All Company executives and employees were invited along with their spouses and kids aging between 4 – 13 who were given special gifts, balloons and chocolates. The workshop that was flawlessly organized on August 30, 2013 in the head office auditorium was followed by a Q&A session, puppet and juggler shows by Ritz entertainment.