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SSGC dispatches Ration for 2,000 Flood Effected Families in Jhal Magsi

SSGC dispatches Ration for 2,000 Flood Effected Families in Jhal Magsi

SSGC dispatches Ration for 2,000 Flood Effected

Sui Southern Gas Company has always been at the forefront in responding to the national endeavors in facilitating the relief efforts of natural disasters. The company being the FIRST to respond from the corporate sector immediately dispatched 6 truck loads containing food items for the families affected by recent torrential rains and floods in Balochistan.

SSGC purchased complete ration for 2,000 families on the special instructions of its Managing Director, Zuhair Siddiqui. Each family pack contained Sugar, Tea, Cooking oil, Pulses, Salt, Chilies, Rice, Dates, Roasted Channa, Candles, plastic bags and match boxes, etc. Each bag contains the above mentioned items weighing of about 14 KG.

Talking to the media, before dispatching all the 6 trucks to flood affected areas, Managing Director SSGC Zuhair Siddiqui said that we feel that it is our duty as ‘Responsible Corporate Citizen’ to come forward to help our brethren who are in trouble. “We always extended our cooperation in past for providing such help during flood or other national disasters”, he maintained. Tariq Munawar, General Manger (Administrative Services) informed media that this first tranche of ‘Flood Relief’ Items tuned to a cost of Rs. 4 million.

S. Nasreen Hussain
Deputy General Manager
Corporate Communications

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Inayatullah Ismail
Chief Manager
Media Relations
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