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SSGC meter manufacturing plant – Signaling a positive change

Since the last three years, SSGC management has been focused towards revamping gas meters’ sales business at its Meter Manufacturing Plant (MMP). Here are some of the worthwhile achievements:

  • SSGC finalized a new Technology Transfer and License Agreement with the technology supplier. The new agreement enables SSGC to produce gas meters as designated ‘Company Meters’, thereby completing the localization of gas meter and enhancing indigenized contents from the current 53% to 97%.
  • Through import substitution, SSGC is set to achieve substantial savings in foreign exchange expenditure (to the tune of €2 million / year), which could be enhanced up to €7.3 million/ year, if combined with external sale, thereby benefiting the national exchequer.
  • MMP been upgraded through the installation of completely new Assembly Line comprising of automatic equipment.
  • Through continuous efforts with PPRA, SNGPL and MoE, SSGC has secured orders from SNGPL for the supply of 1.3 million gas meter units worth PKR 9.96 billion with potential earnings before tax and depreciation of PKR 2 billion.