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Gas pipeline rehabilitation works – In full throttle

SSGC is undertaking diverse rehabilitation projects in its franchise areas to ensure optimum gas pressure and supplies.  Already major projects have been commissioned.

  • Rehabilitation of Distribution network has been completely re-strategized which has enhanced the rehabilitation capacity from ~25 Km to ~125 Km each month.
  • As result of this enhanced focus, 742 Km rehabilitation works have been completed in FY 2022-23 which is a record achievement.
  • Achievement against the yearly rehabilitation targets remained 96% (company-wide) with Karachi (97%), Interior Sindh (94%) and Balochistan (100%).
  • A mid-term plan is being chalked out, aiming to rehabilitate of around 4,500 Km distribution network in next 3 years.
  • Execution phase started for around 800 KM network rehabilitation schemes in DHA Karachi in Phases I, II, V , VI & VII. Rehabilitation works completed for Phase I and II with the final service installation in progress). Rehab works in Phase V and VII are expected to be completed soon.
  • For UFG-targeted rehabilitation of Distribution pipelines, a contract for more than 500 Km of Distribution (DHA Phase VI & VII) pipelines has been awarded to a PEC C-2 category level contractor whereas, remaining rehabilitation of Phase-V will be completed within the stipulated timeframe through in-house resources.