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SSGC takes vital measures to bring UFG down

SSGC is taming UFG  or line losses through numerous diverse steps. Some of them are:

  • Focused monitoring and data trending for the 14-highest UFG affected Sales Meter Stations (SMSs) on priority basis.
  • Making pressure management more effective through segmentation, mapping and segregation of network. Around 30-35 MMSCFD gas is being spared in Karachi through this activity which is being diverted towards industrial sector.
  • Commissioning of separate metering and control at North City Main (a major artery in Karachi’s Distribution Network) which is now fully operational. Project provides better reconciliation of gas between SMSs KT & ACPL.
  • Automation of 50 TBSs in Karachi is nearing completion, with 25 TBS sites already fully commissioned, enabling efficient pressure and gas flow management.