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Gas Conservation campaign – It takes two…

As long as there was enough supply of gas, we all took this clean and affordable fuel for granted.  The widening demand-supply gap has compelled all the stakeholders to sit up and take notice of the situation.  It’s high time both the gas utility and its customers must work together towards saving a fuel that is depleting at a very fast pace.

Gas utility companies focus their attention on bridging the demand-supply gap by augmenting their pipeline network and rehabilitating age-old lines.  Having said that, the energy shortfall cannot be overcome just by the respective roles of the Government and gas utilities that come under its umbrella.  All the stakeholders including the customers need to proactively play their part in conserving natural gas.  With this primary objective in mind, SSGC undertakes natural gas conservation campaigns by targeting customers through print, electronic and social media.  Since assuming power, the Government of Pakistan has shown keen interest in energy conservation as a sure-fire solution to overcome energy crisis in the country. SSGC’s efforts are reinforced by the Government directives to propagate the message of conservation to its customers through mass media campaigns.

Currently, SSGC is running a conservation campaign  that works as an effective  public service communication exercise.  Through such campaigns, SSGC presents multiples scenarios in which a consumer can save gas. Interestingly while the underlying motive is conservation, SSGC’s campaigns also expect its customers to adopt a gas-wise approach  that would also mean that their gas bills would be better managed. Useful tips such as switching off stoves when not cooking, using pressure cookers and keeping flame within the base of utensils are highlighted. Through these reinforcements, customers are also advised to use PSQCA-approved appliances and fittings and ensure periodic maintenance of the appliances.  These steps ensure a win-win situation for both a gas company and the customers since by choosing to save rather than waste, the latter will have a better control over their gas bills.

Back when we were consuming gas with no fear ever of running out of it, we did not foresee a future when demand for gas will outstrip supply by miles. We can all reverse the situation if we do our bit to conserve gas. It is a tough call but a collective effort will ensure a win-win situation for all concerned.