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Transmission continues with unwavering commitment to ensure efficiency and productivity

A Total Volume of 46235 MMCF for The Month Was Safely Handled to Maintain Uninterrupted Gas Supply, Resulting in Zero Operational Liabilities for SSGC.

Completed 17 Km of ROW maintenance, bringing the cumulative total to 51 Km, and Reaching a Remarkable 50% Completion.

Temporarily rerouted the QPL 12″ Line Segment from Pinjrapul and resumed flow, demonstrating commitment to efficiency and productivity.

Lowered 3680 RFT of exposed MPL in the transmission network, bringing the cumulative total to 15680 RFT and achieving an impressive 51% completion.

Completed paint work on 40 targeted SMS and valve assemblies, revealing uncompromising attention to detail and quality assurance.

Overhauled the caterpillar gas generator at HQ-3 @ 20k running hours, completing the job professionally as planned to maintain uninterrupted power generation.

Conducted integrity assessment for 10 SMSs according to APi 570, reaching a 50% milestone for 60 MVAs/SMSs, indicating commitment to ensuring the structural integrity of above-ground steel structures.

Achieved a cumulative length of 20,673 RFT in the coating refurbishment job, exceeding the 20,000 RFT target by 3.36% and reflecting unwavering commitment to delivering beyond targets and ensuring the protection of our pipelines.

Completed a comprehensive coating/direct current voltage gradient survey for assessing the condition pipelines coating, covering a total of 40 km at HQ-II and HQ-III sections and a cumulative of 155.5 km.

20 magnesium anodes installed at low PSP areas to increase the PSP coverage.

14 CP stations restored to ensure the un-interrupted PSP coverage.