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Transmission Department – Recent key developments

SSGC’s Transmission Department that plays a key role in developing and maintaining the Company’s infrastructure performed following key tasks during October 2023.

  • 47574.4 MMCF gas purchase and 47257.9 MMCF gas sold along with 24284.9 MMCF RLNG received and 21862 MMCF RLNG transported to SNGPL with the retention of 2422.9 MMCF and 23289 MMCF indigenous gas purchased.
  • 51393.469 MMCF total volume handled with safe handling of gas operations to maintain uninterrupted gas supply within safe limits.
  • 44 leak surveys and rectification of Sales Meter Stations and Main Valve Assembly.
  • 18.5 Km of ROW maintenance.
  • 3680 RFT lowering of exposed MPL in transmission network.
  • 25 coloring and painting works of SMSs & Valve Assemblies.
  • 09 MVA’s Asset Integrity Survey performed.
  • 42.5 Km External Corrosion Direct Assessment survey conducted.
  • 7636 RFT coating refurbishment job conducted through a detailed ECDA as per NACE SP-0502.
  • 2 additional CP stations installed to increase the PSP coverage.