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Gas Conservation Campaign kicks off

SSGC’s mass media gas Conservation Campaign recently kicked off to create awareness about the need to conserve due to depletion of natural gas in Pakistan.  The Campaign is an important part of SSGC’s advertisement campaigns in print, electronic and social media, that run throughout the year to educate and create awareness to the masses so that they can take collective effort with the Company.

The main focus of the Gas Conservation Campaign is a more efficient use of gas-fired appliances in households that in turn would help reduce customers’ gas bills.   The campaign also stresses on the customers to conserve and hence reduce gas bills through a number of smart ways. They include cooking on low flame, using conical baffles in gas geysers, using instant geysers and switch off gas-fired appliances when not in use.

The campaign also informs the customers to report gas leakage outside their vicinity and their neighborhood by calling SSGC 24/7 1199 Call Centre.

The Conservation Campaign is also in line with OGRA’s directives to gas utility companies to run such campaigns and through them stress on smart ways to save or conserve gas and in doing so, save natural gas for future generations.