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Bravery rewarded – Valour of SSGC Police acknowledged

On November 16, 2023, at 11:15 am, two snatchers chased a motorcyclist near P&C Gate at Karachi Terminal, SSGC Police Station. Mubeena Town Police supported by SSGC Police, intervened and fired upon the snatchers, resulting in injuries. The injured snatchers were apprehended and handed over to Mubeena Town Police.

SSGC’s Police officials, ASI Liaqat Ali and Constables Sajid Rehman, Rizwan Baig and Ashed Laghari were duly acknowledged for their bravery and were conferred upon cash award Rs. 10,000/- each along with commendation certificates from SSGC’s AMD Mr. Amin Rajput and ADMD (Ops. & UFG) Mr. Saeed Rizvi. SSGC’s DG (SS & CGTO) Brigadier Muhammad Abuzar (R) along with his team was also present on the occasion.