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Illegally laid distribution lines feeding gas to 40 houses removed

SSGC’s Counter Gas Theft Operations (CGTO) team continued to make inroads into the menace of gas theft by conducting two more raids today in Landhi and Sharafi Goth area in Karachi. In a significant raid, CGTO team aided by SSGC Police removed illegally laid distribution line supplying gas to around 40 houses. In another raid, the CGTO discovered resident Shamraiz using gas directly from distribution pipeline to run his hotel. FIR was lodged in SSGC Police Station and appropriate claim is being raised.

Prosecution success: SSGC scored yet another prosecution success when Gas Utility / Session Court, Central Karachi convicted accused namely Aashiq Hussain and imposed him with a fine of Rs. 25,000 for direct use of gas for commercial purpose. He has already paid complete Quantum of Loss of Rs. 842,400 to SSGC. Earlier FIR was lodged against him at the SSGC Police Station.