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Karachi and Hyderabad: UFG reduction plan implementation brings UFG to single digits in FY 2022-23

  • Rigorous implementation of UFG (line losses) reduction plan by SSGC’s dedicated UFG division has been yielding consecutive UFG reduction since FY 2018-19.
  • Remarkable UFG savings have been achieved particularly in FY 2020-21 and FY 2022-23. Company-wide UFG figures have been progressively reduced from ~77.7 BCF (FY 2018-19) to ~45.51 BCF (FY 2022-23) i.e. 2 BCF net reduction in UFG volume.
  • Overall, UFG has been reduced from 15.68% in FY 2021-22 to 14.26% in FY 2022-23. In areas that consume 90% of gas supplies, UFG has been brought down to 7.5%. As of FY 2022-23, UFG % in Karachi has been brought down to single-digits i.e. 9.42%.
  • While on the whole, interior Sindh is showing a steady progress in UFG reduction, diligent efforts have led to a percentage-wise decline in UFG to single digits i.e. 9.2%.