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Company taking steps to improving measurement accuracy

The Company is taking special focus on improving the measurement accuracy. Following initiatives have been undertaken:

  • 80% of all the meters that had been in service for more than 4 years at larger customer sites have been successfully replaced during FY 2022-23. Efforts are underway to reach 100% mark.
  • Replacement of 500 old Electronic Volume Correctors (EVCs) with latest version EVCs possessing enhanced anti-theft and anti-tampering capabilities at largest industrial units. During FY 2022-23, 1,359 EVCs across the franchise areas on the customer meters have been replaced or upgraded.
  • Older metering devices are progressively being replaced with new models having advanced features and functionalities.
  • Capacity of the Meter Repair shop has been enhanced.
  • Enhanced analytical tools have been added to remote monitoring database for efficient monitoring.