UFG reduction plan giving encouraging results | Sui Southern Gas Company Limited
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UFG reduction plan giving encouraging results

Rigorous implementation of UFG reduction plan by the dedicated UFG division formed (FY 2021) on Board’s Directives has been displaying consecutive UFG reduction trend FY 2018-19.

  • Remarkable UFG savings have been achieved particularly in FY 2020-21 and FY 2022-23. Company-wide UFG figures have been progressively reduced from ~77.7 BCF (FY 2018-19) to ~45.51 BCF (FY 2022-23) which is a 2 BCF net reduction in UFG volume.
  • UFG % in Karachi (contributing >65% of total sales) has been arrested inside single-digit i.e. 9% (in comparison to OGRA benchmark of 6.7%) since October 2022.
  • Interior Sindh is showing steady progress in UFG reduction, from 16.3% in FY 2021-22 to 13.2% in FY 2022-23.
  • Separate metering and control at North City Main (a major artery in Karachi’s Distribution Network) has been completed and is now fully operational for better management and service reliability