SSGC succeeded in maintaining UFG (line losses) reduction streak for 3rd consecutive year i.e. in FY 2021-22, wherein UFG quantum was restrained to 52 BCF. Company also achieved 96% of the OGRA assigned Key-Monitoring-Indicators.
Key actions taken to restrain UFG:
1. Take initiative for separating industrial from domestic networks to achieve optimimum operating pressures.
2. Special focus on measurement accuracy.
3. Continuously improve
billing processes.
4. Creation of Small Business Units/zones to restructure Distribution function for UFG control.
5. Round-the-clock gas pressure monitoring and management.
6. Constant communication with GoP, Balochistan Govt. and OGRA to bring down UFG numbers in Balochistan.
7. Communication with OGRA for framework approval for enabling gas claims against domestic unauthorized users.
8. Extensive use of GIS for Network Leak monitoring and survey.
10. Indigenization of G-4 meters through a new assembly line.