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Compression Department – Effectively ensuring optimum pressure and volumes

SSGC’s Compression Department plays an indispensable role in operating and maintaining all gas boosters/compressors at all four company locations/HQs of Transmission Pipeline network for boosting the pressure and for delivering required volumes to customers and RLNG to SNGPL.

  1. In order to meet SNGPL’s RLNG requirements, continuous vigilance and analysis of machine parameters aided in identifying problem prior to machine failure by replacing dry and wet gas seals of solar units of mitigate gas contamination for safe operation and avoid UFG.
  2. For energize the transmission installations/HQs, planned and executed on time Genset maintenance for upholding system productivity and reduced breakdown and downtime.
  3. In order to ensure system productivity and to restrict pre-mature failure brought about essential modifications enhancing machine / component integrity through heat tracing circuit installation and permanent suction strainer installation.
  4. In order to achieve system upgradation and replacements to avoid obsolete systems, carried out critical replacement of valves at upstream and downstream of scrubber and filter separator, respectively, to maintain system and personnel safety.
  5. To enhance the productivity of the Compression Department engineers two-day customized Technical Training was conducted by M/s GKN Aerospace, Sweden.