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SSGC signs MoUs with 5 Non-Profit organizations

NEWS SSGC signs MoUs with 5 Non-Profit organizations, distributed cheques to 13 CSR collaborate partners
91Sustainability and proactive mindset driving forces for CSR successes92 says MD SSGC

Khalid Rahman, MD, SSGC has said that sustainability is a driving force in making a marked difference in the lives of the marginalized communities. He was speaking after a MoU signing ceremony for SSGC92s CSR initiatives (2014-15) held at the Head Office auditorium on June 9, 2015. The MD, SSGC inked the MoUs with respective representatives of five leading organizations in education and health sector including IBA Karachi, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology (MUET) Jamshoro, Quaid-e-Awam University of Science and Technology (QUEST) Nawabshah, Marie Adelaide Leprosy Centres in Gwadar and Mirpurkas and Al-Hijrah Schools, Ziarat.

The MoU signing ceremony marked implementation phase of the Company92s CSR initiatives in the areas of education and health. In the case of IBA Karachi, MUET, QUEST and Al-Hijrah Schools, SSGC will provide scholarships for students in different disciplines for the period of four years while the Company92s monetary support to the two branches of MALC will help the disease control center in running its operations more effectively.

Exchange of MoU documents was followed by cheque distribution ceremony during which the MD, SSGC distributed cheques to thirteen other CSR collaborators with SSGC. They include Sindh University of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT Sukkur), The Hunar Foundation, Fatimid Foundation Kidney Centre, Quetta, Omair Sana Foundation, Children Cancer Hospital, Poor Patient Aid Society, Child Aid Association (NICH Karachi), WWF-Pakistan, Thal Limited, SoS Village, Make-a-wish Foundation and Markaz-e-Umeed. The collaborations with these NGOs will be focused towards supporting them in meeting their medical needs in the form of equipments and environment conservation support, as in the case of WWF-Pakistan through its beach clean activities and Thal Limited in the creation of bio-degradable shopping bags.

The event was marked by the presence of two renowned social workers Mr. Ansar Burney of Ansar Burney Trust and Dr. Ruth Pfau, founder of Marie Adelaide Leprosy Centre. Both these figures who have spent their lifetime serving the humanity congratulated SSGC for causing a significant difference to the lives of under-privileged population not just through a supply of gas but through CSR projects in Sindh and Balochistan. The audience gave a standing ovation to the two social workers for their selfless commitment towards the society.

Earlier, Shahbaz Islam, Head of Corporate Communications, SSGC gave a comprehensive presentation to the audience about the CSR initiatives in the Company. Salman A. Siddiqui, DGM (Corporate Communications) presented a vote of thanks.

Meanwhile while talking to the newsmen, the MD said the Company will focus on encouraging schemes for provision of clean drinking water and bio-mass conversion process to useful energy since a large number of population stands to benefit from such schemes. He said that SSGC will attempt to develop a more proactive mindset to make a tangible contribution towards communities in need.