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Gas theft 96 SSGC strikes again in Karachi

NEWS SSGC92s war against Unaccounted for Gas (UFG) continues unabated. During last week, the Task Force of SSGC92s Customer Relations Department conducted other massive raids against illegal use of natural gas in two troubled localities of Karachi. In doing so, the team helped to save for the company further an amount of Rs. 82.82 million.

The team conducted raids in sectors 51-K and 51-M of Korangi and Jadoon Town located in Bin Qasim area. The Task Force92s disconnection efforts got a major boost with the presence of the Police contingent from the recently launched SSGC Police Station. According to an estimate, 321.3 million metric cubic feet (MMCF) of volumes of gas per annum were being stolen from Korangi sectors and Jadoon Town localities.

The team collectively disconnected more than 2,000 illegal domestic connections in both sectors of Korangi Town, whereas more than 7,000 domestic connections in Jadoon town were detached during the operation. The offenders were involved in gas theft using gas directly through rubber pipes in their homes from SSGC92s distribution main line, thus bypassing the company installed meters. Since both the areas have a history of volatile law and order situation, SSGC92s Police Station backed up the operation by providing security to the members of Task Force, who were also responsible for lodging FIRs and making arrests. A large quantum of Rubber pipes and other accessories used in both the localities were confiscated by the raiding team.