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NEWSThe dastardly attack of December 16, 2014 was so horrifying that the mind struggles to come to terms with it.A0 Terrorists massacred in cold blood more than 130 children and staff members of the Army Public School in Peshawar, leaving the entire nation in an unprecedented shock and grief.A0 The collosal tragedy also unified the nation, making it even more united and determined to crush the militants.

Like all Pakistanis, each and every employee of SSGC felt this pain as if it was his or her own personal loss. To express their solidarity with the families of the victims, the management, executives and staff offered Fateha and special prayers at the Company’s Head Office building. Shoaib Warsi, MD, SSGC led the prayers inseeking mercy and forgiveness for those who left this world in this horrifying episode. Qari Rais Ahmed (CRD) offered special prayers.A0 Hundreds of hands were raised in unison in front of the Almighty Allah for the young people whose deaths will strike a collective psychological blow that the country will take a long time to recover from. Prayers were also offered for the quick recovery of the son of Major (R ) Naseem, whoA0 suffered bullet injuries during the attack. Muhammad Ali Gohar, CM (CCD) conducted the sombre proceedings.

A0To pay homage to the innocent martyrs of the Army Public School92s students and teachers, a candlelight vigil was arranged at the Company92s head office podium on December 18, 2014. The vigil was arranged by SSGCWA92s President Ms. Asma Butt and her team.A0A0 With the atmosphere still reeling with sadness, the senior management, executives and staff gathered to light the candles at the stairs and reaffirmed their commitment to stand by the families of the innocent victims. On this occasion MD, Mr. Shoaib Warsi, Major Mohammad Akhtar (R), SGM (MS) joined other members of the SSGC team in praying for the innocent victims and their families.
