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SSGC92s Task force disconnects 2,200 Illegal Gas Connections

NEWSSSGC92s task Force conducted a Raid in Hassan Ali Panwar Goth, National highway on 17 September 2014 and disconnected 2,200 gas connections which were using gas illegally. Despite the bad law and order situation prevailing in the area, task Force conducted the raid under the supervision of Syed Nawab Ali Shah, Manager (Customers Relation Department) under the cover of company92s security department. Madni Siddiqui, In- charge DSM (East) supervised the raid.

Task force disconnected all illegal gas connections, which were using gas from SSGC92s 6 inch dia main service line. The team removed all the material that being used to steal gas from the pipeline.

According to an estimate the illegal users of gas were stealing about 124,168 million cubic feet gas amounting to Rs. 32.22 million per anum.
