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Independence Day Celebration

TheA0 68thA0 IndependenceA0 DayA0 ofA0 PakistanA0 was celebrated with traditional enthusiasmA0 andA0 fervorA0 atA0 SuiA0 SouthernA0 GasA0 Company. The flag hoisting ceremonyA0 wasA0 heldA0 at the head office building with Managing Director Mr. Shoaib Warsi doing the honors. Members of senior management, executives and staffA0 wereA0 also present in large numbers along with the office bearers of OfficersA0 Association,A0 WomenA0 Association and CBA. Exactly at 09:00 am the MD, SSGC hoisted the flag and was immediately joined by all present in the nationalA0A0 anthem. ThisA0A0 impressiveA0 ceremonyA0 wasA0 garnishedA0 withA0 the beautifully dressed children mostly in cultural outfits who waved the green flags while signing the national songs throughout the ceremony.