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Shoaib Warsi appointed as Managing Director of SSGC

Consequent to Mr. Zuhair Siddiqui92s resignation from the office of Managing Director,A0 SuiA0 Southern Gas Company, the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources has appointed Mr. Shoaib Warsi as the new MD of the Company.A0 The notificationA0 ofA0 Mr.A0 Warsi92sA0 appointmentA0 wasA0 issued by the Ministry on ThursdayA0 after the former MD submitted his resignation on personal grounds after leading the organization for around two years.

Mr.A0 ShoaibA0 WarsiA0 bringsA0 in high level of professional experience as his marathonA0 association with the gas utility spans over 37 years, mainly with Company92s Distribution and Transmission divisions spread over its franchise areasA0 ofA0 SindhA0 and Balochistan. Having completed his MS in Environmental EngineeringA0 fromA0 NED University and BE (Mechanical) from Sindh University Jamshoro, he came into the folds of SSGC in 1977 as Trainee Engineer.

OverA0 the years he made his way up the organizational cadres and went on to serveA0A0A0 asA0A0A0 GMA0A0A0 (Distribution),A0A0A0 SGMA0A0A0 (Distribution-North),A0A0A0 SGM (Unaccounted-for-Gas)A0A0 andA0A0 lastA0A0 servedA0A0 asA0A0 SeniorA0 GeneralA0 Manager (Transmission).A0A0 Mr.A0 WarsiA0 hasA0 beenA0 largelyA0 attributedA0 inA0 Company92s accomplishmentsA0 inA0 designA0 andA0 construction of a number of strategically importantA0A0 pipelineA0A0 networkA0 projects,A0 systemA0 reinforcement,A0 pipeline rehabilitationA0 schemes,A0 TownA0 BorderA0 StationsA0 (TBSs) and Customer Meter Stations (CMSs).

Mr.A0 WarsiA0 hasA0 been actively involved in the design of Automatic Pressure ManagementA0 SystemA0 (APMS)A0 forA0 installing on Pressure Regulating Stations (PRSs)A0 toA0 maintainA0 optimumA0 pressuresA0 inA0 theA0 distribution network for reductionA0 ofA0 gasA0 lossesA0 andA0 hasA0 representedA0 the organization in many nationalA0 andA0 internationalA0 conferences.A0 HeA0 enjoysA0 excellentA0 personal rapportA0A0 withA0A0 Company92sA0 stakeholdersA0 includingA0 industrialA0 andA0 trade associations.