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SSGC92s Meter Plant Exceeds Production Target, 2 Months Before Financial Year Closing

SSGC92s Meter Manufacturing Plant achieved a record production of 750,001 gas meters, two months before the closing of the financial year 2013-14.A0A0 This remarkable feat of the Meter Plant92s management and workers was acknowledged in a special ceremony called 91Celebration of Achievement92, held at the Plant92s premises on May 26, 2014 in which Zuhair Siddiqui, MD, SSGC was the chief guest.A0 What was even more outstanding about the achievement was that the rejection rates for both the G-4 and G-1.6 meters were the lowest ever in the meter plant92s history.

In his address to the management and workers for the brilliant feat, the MD SSGC reiterated that the Meter Plant has always raised the performance bar through constant business process re-engineering. On the occasion, he announced a 5% salary hike of HR and 3rd party workers and Rs. 3,000 bonus for the workers of the plant.

Irfan Zafar, Sr. General Manager (Operations) applauded the determination and hard work of the facility workers and stated that no matter how ambitious the targets are quality of production must never be compromised.

Earlier, Saeed Rizvi, GM (Meter Plant) gave a comprehensive overview about the production trend of the Plant for the last 10 years as well as future projections and plans. He said that the total number of components required for assembling G-1.6 and G-4 gas meters are 57 and 49, respectively.A0 Mr. Rizvi said that on average 130 seconds are spent on producing a single meter. He further added that the Plant manufactures 2,200 G-4 units and 750 G-1.6 units per day.A0 The GM said that by the end of the current fiscal year, that the target is 880,000 meters while the projection for the FY 2014-15 is 1,000,000 units.

On behalf of the workers, Aslam Rajput, Chairman, PLU (CBA) assured the management of their continued dedication and hard work.

After the speeches, Fayyaz Merchant, Sr. General Manager (Engineering Services) presented a memento to the MD. Two of the meter plant92s personnel presented MD with a chrome model of G-1.6 meter. Earlier the MD was also briefed on various stages of production, right from the fixing of diaphragm assembly to the underwater leak testing of the unit produced.

