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SSGC Sports Festival kicks off with a lively inauguration ceremony

NEWSThe 2nd SSGC Sports Festival 2014 got off to a spirited start with a colorful opening ceremony held at its Head Office in Karachi.A0 This Festival is featuring some 800 executives competing in more than 20 indoor and outdoor events being held on four consecutive Fridays and Saturdays beginning April 25 in different venues including the Company92s Karachi Terminal Sports Club, Arena Complex, Go Aish Adventure Park and DHA Golf Club.A0 The Festival is being jointly organized by the Company92s Corporate Communication Department (CCD) and HR-Organization Development (HR-OD).

The opening ceremony was a lively, fun-filled event with Pakistan92s cricket great Wasim Bari being the guest of honour.A0 The ceremony featured the unveiling of the Sports Festival Mascot, launch of the official song 91Muqabla92 which was penned and composed by SSGC employees themselves

The opening ceremony was a lively, fun-filled event with Pakistan92s cricket great Wasim Bari being the guest of honour.A0 The ceremony featured the unveiling of the Sports Festival Mascot, launch of the official song 91Muqabla92 which was penned and composed by SSGC employees themselves, a comedy skit that depicted the Festival in lighter vein and screening of unforgettable moments from the 2013 Sports Festival.

The inaugural day featured two scintillating cricket matches between the four inter-divisional teams and some of the indoor games including snooker and scrabble.

In his address to the packed to capacity auditorium, Mr. Bari appreciated SSGC employees not just for their commitment towards ensuring uninterrupted gas supply but for taking time out of their busy schedules to relax and unwind with healthy sports.A0 He admitted that organizing such grand festivals is never easy but lauded the Company management and the organizers for ensuring harmony within the Company ranks by encouraging sports.

In his keynote speech, Yusuf J. Ansari, DMD (Corporate Services) congratulated the organizers for putting together an entertaining opening ceremony. He advised the participating sportsmen and women for demonstrating exemplary sporting spirit and hoped that their on the field commitment will translate into similar dedication in their day jobs.

Shahbaz Islam, Festival92s Project lead and DGM (CCD/OD) gave a comprehensive presentation about the participating inter-divisional teams.A0 He reiterated that the main purpose behind the Sports Festival was to develop inter-divisional harmony and togetherness for the ultimate objective of uniting SSGC.

The Closing Ceremony will be held on May 17, 2014.


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