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SSGC collaborates with UBL to facilitate e-payments

Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) has become the first public utility company in Pakistan to sign an agreement with United Bank Limited (UBL) to provide its bill paying customers with the facility of electronic payments. Through this agreement, SSGC bills would be processed and paid via UBL92s southern branches in Sindh and Balochistan.A0 This efficient and cost-effective initiative was undertaken by the Value Added Services92 section of SSGC92s IT Department. The system aims to eliminate manual processing, control invalid transaction processing and improve overall data processing standards eventually leading to convenience for the customers.

This latest customer-focused facility encompasses complete electronic bill payment and data processing of 70,000 bills through the Utility Bill Control Switch (UBCS) thus shifting the volumes from manual to online processing. This in turn will provide several benefits including reduced customer complaints, quick transfer of funds reducing the cost of holding funds, reduction of invalid transaction processing, improvement of data processing standards and generation of quick customer updates.

In his remarks, Mr. Zuhair Siddiqui, Managing Director, SSGC reiterated that this initiative is a part of the Company92s technology road map implementation that aims to make the entire system cost effective and customer-centric.

Mr. Ali Hasnain, Head of Retail Banking, UBL stated that this mutually beneficial relationship will assist both organizations to enhance their customer experience. He added 93I am confident that SSGC will benefit from this customized bills collection solution in monitoring and reconciliation of transactions. We look forward towards developing a mutually beneficial, long term banking relationship with SSGC94.