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SSGC Contributes Towards First-Ever Tight Gas Project

NEWSSSGC has taken a major step forward in the exploration of tight gas reserves by successfully completing the mainline welding of 6″ and 8″ Dia x 52 km Rehman Gas Field Pipeline in Kirthar Range in Sindh. The region is one of the hardest and difficult terrains; under toughest climatic conditions where temperatures soar to as high as 50B0C.

This project was the result of the agreement signed between SSGC and a consortium of Polish Oil & Gas Company and Pakistan Petroleum Ltd. (PPL) in November 2012. With the completion of the project, SSGC will receive 15 to 20 mmcfd gas. For the project implementation, SSGC was awarded a contract of Rs. 235 million following a tendering process. The P&D Department fully utilized the in-house resources comprising of P&C manpower and equipment for a period of 6 months. The project has further enhanced and enriched SSGC’s portfolio as an enterprising company.
