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Quetta Distribution Team clamps down on blatant gas theft

NEWSThe special Task Force ofA0Quetta Distribution conductedA0a major raid against gas theftA0in Killi Qambrani on Sariab Road,A0Quetta. The raid was conducted onA0April 23, 2013 under the supervisionA0of Mohammad Anwar Baloch, ZonalA0Manager (Quetta). Mohammad Tahir,A0Engineer and Mohammad Younas,
Welding Supervisor were part of theA0team which faced considerableA0resistance by the area residentsA0during the operation.

The team discovered that theA0inhabitants were using gas throughA0underground clamps that were fixedA0on service pipes and extended byA0rubber pipes without any regulator.A0The team removed clamps andA0rubber pipes of about 100 metersA0and rectified the punctured spots.A0To encourage and motivate the teamA0members, DGM (D-Balochistan) andA0Regional Manager (Quetta)A0personally visited the site where the gas was being used directly.

Courtesy: Mohammad Anwar Baloch, Zonal Manager (Quetta).
